ISKCON Samskriti presents ‘Arpanam’, Bhagavad gita shloka chanting Competition conducted at an International level.
The Bhagavad-gita is an open secret, which guides humanity to a meaningful and happy life. We wish to invite our young participants to pay their tribute to the timeless greatness of this song of God on the occasion of Gita Jayanti, the day Lord Krishna spoke these words of wisdom to Arjuna.
What better way to express this than through the shloka chanting?! Please go through the guidelines and prepare accordingly.
Age group: 6 to 18 years
Last date for registration : Jan 30th, 2024
Last date for Submission : Jan 31st, 2024
1. This contest is open for participants of age group 6-18 years.
2. Shlokas to be chanted:
a. For age groups 6-8 years & 9-11 years – 5 shlokas from any one chapter of Bhagavad-gita.
b. For age groups 12-15 years & 16-18 years – 10 shlokas from any one chapter of Bhagavad-gita.
3. The participant should close his/her eyes while chanting the Shlokas.
4. The participant should mention his/her name before chanting the Shloka.
5. Please upload the video recording of the chanting in the submission form of the ISKCON Samskriti website.
The submission form link will be shared over email.
6. The video size should not be more than 150 mb. The duration of the video should not be more than 5 mins.
Judgement criteria: Clarity in pronunciation, fluency, meter, creativity, and completion.
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